Monday, January 12, 2009

The Bounds of Reality

Ideas, thoughts, emotions, and dreams know no bounds, know no rules, and obey no laws. They exist in a place beyond reality, but we try to make sense of them or bring them into this world. Sometimes they can grow, but often times they are rejected. However, we can hold them in our own hearts and minds and hope for them to come into existence at another time. Sometimes it takes seconds, hours, days, or maybe even years for our efforts to even translate a slight replication or understanding of all the endless things we hold in our minds and hearts. We want that perfect line to that perfect poem, that perfect verse to that perfect song, or that perfect image for that perfect painting that manifested itself from that perfect idea, but more often than not we will find ourselves unable to produce that "perfect" thing that we so desperately want. Although we may chase the complete or somewhat bearable replication or understanding of the mind or heart, it is the process, the toil, the relentless efforts, and the failed attempts that makes that final or complete replication and understanding so rewarding. It is the journey from the mind, not the destination to the bounds of reality, that makes the successes so fulfilling.

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